Code of Behaviour and Rules for Activities

This code of behaviour is there to make sure everyone who takes part in Kingston Young Carers’ Project (YCP) activities knows what is expected of them and feels safe, respected and valued. We ask that all Young Carers and their parents/guardians read this code and ensure that it is understood and followed.

Please be aware that when we are out in a group in public places, we are representing Kingston YCP and therefore we need to be polite and respectful to each other and to other members of the public.  

You should:

  • be friendly, supportive and kind to others
  • Listen and follow instructions
  • be helpful
  • have good manners
  • Listen to others and treat everyone with respect
  • take responsibility for your own behaviour
  • talk to a YCP staff member about anything that worries or concerns you
  • follow this code of behaviour and other rules (including the law)
  • join in and have fun!

You shouldn’t:

  • be disrespectful to anyone else
  • bully other people (online or offline)
  • behave in a way that could be intimidating
  • be abusive towards anyone.

Rules for Activities:

  • Look after your belongings.  Do not bring valuables or any money (unless told otherwise). Any valuables you do bring are your responsibility to look after and staff cannot take responsibility for loss.
  • Be prepared - ensure you are wearing suitable clothes for the activity/weather and wear/bring sun cream and hat in warm weather. 
  • Ensure you have any necessary medication and that YCP has the necessary permission to administer. Any creams or medications must be named and in the original packaging and handed in to a member of staff.  If possible, please only bring the dosage you will need.  
  • Be safe—you must wear your seat belt when we are in a vehicle and wear shoes at all times unless otherwise instructed. 
  • Ensure that you sign in AND OUT with a member of staff for all activities. 


What happens if I do not follow the rules and code of behaviour?

Minor or first-time incident

If you behave in a way that doesn’t follow this code, our staff or volunteers will remind you about it and ask you to change your behaviour. 

Second warning

If you continue not to follow the code of behaviour or if your behaviour is more serious you will be taken away from the group for some time out to think about your behaviour. 

Formal warning

If you continue not to follow the code of behaviour or if your behaviour is more serious you will be given a formal warning by the person running your activity.  They will make a record about what happened and inform your parents or carers who may be asked to collect you from the trip or activity and take you home.  You may also be excluded from participating in future activities.

If, at any time, 2 members of staff agree that a your  behaviour is unacceptable or may be risking the safety of yourself or others, you will be sent home immediately.

Child protection procedures

If any member of staff becomes concerned that your behaviour suggests you might be in need of protection or that you might present a risk of harm to other children and young people, they will follow our child protection procedures.

Safeguarding and child protection is crucial to ensuring that young people have the rights, confidence and environment in which you can make choices, express your views and communicate effectively with other children and adults. It is essential that you are aware of your right to be safe from abuse and safeguarded from abuse, discrimination and harm of any kind, be it physical, sexual, emotional or neglect.

If you need help, you must tell someone you trust. You can talk to any of the YCP team between 9:00am - 5:00pm on Monday to Friday. Our contact details are overleaf. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help. If you need our support outside of working hours, please leave a message and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. If you feel as though you are in danger, or in an emergency that requires immediate action, please ring 999. 

If you have any problems or difficulties on any trip or activity, or if you are worried about anything please tell YCP staff - WE are there for YOU!