Hampton Court Tickets for £1

Hampton Court Palace is piloting a new low-cost entry scheme for people receiving Universal Credit and other means-tested benefits.

From Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace is piloting a new low-cost entry scheme for people receiving Universal Credit and other means-tested benefits.

Eligible visitors are invited to explore the home of King Henry VIII and his wives,
surrounded by 60 acres of gardens, including the world-famous maze and children’s playgarden, the Magic Garden, for just £1.
The pilot will run from 14 June – 9 July 2023.
To find out more, visit their website.

£1 Entry Scheme – Q & A 

Why have you chosen to do this now? 

The rise in the cost of living has impacted on many of us, particularly those who receive benefits.  We want to make our sites more accessible to those who might find ticket costs to be a barrier and have therefore decided to pilot a low-cost entry scheme.   We are committed to launching this scheme as a permanent offer later this year.

How did you decide on the group of people who would be eligible? 

The scheme is focused on addressing financial barriers to visiting our sites and so those in receipt of means tested benefits e.g. Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit will be eligible. 

We are aware that this does not address all of the barriers to visiting our sites and are looking at ways we can increase accessibility elsewhere – be that via our Community Access Scheme, or free open days.  We already open the gardens at Hampton Court Palace for free on a number of specific dates throughout the year. 

What proof of eligibility will you require? 

We will ask visitors using the scheme to bring supporting documents with them to show eligibility, e.g. a Proof of Benefit letter or use of the Universal Credit app.   

(Supporting documents we will accept: Universal Credit monthly statement, Universal Credit app statement, HMRC letter confirming Working Tax Credit / Child Tax Credit, DWP letter for Employee Support Allowance, Income Support & Jobseeker’s allowance.  Proof of ID will also be required to check that the named person is present.) 

Where will visitors be required to show their supporting documents? 

Visitors using the scheme will be asked to bring their documents to the Ticket Office, where they will be validated by a member of staff 

Will people using the scheme be able to bring guests? 

Yes, the ticket is for up to six people per household.  Under 5s go free across our sites already and that rule will continue to apply. 

What do you offer low-income visitors who don’t receive benefits?   

We provide regular free access to the gardens at Hampton Court Palace on specific dates throughout the year.  The next upcoming dates are 4 – 9 July, 16 – 17 September and 18 – 19 November.  We also provide free access to groups via our Community Access Scheme. 

From 5 June – 23 July we will also be offering 2 for 1 tickets to people visiting the Tower and Hampton Court Palace travelling by train. These vouchers can only be redeemed in person on the day of a visit and visitors may be required to delay their visit if timeslots have already been filled. 

Why are you only offering this at Hampton Court and not at your other sites? 

The offer we have introduced at Hampton Court Palace is a pilot, to help us ensure that we can give the best possible welcome to visitors using the scheme.  We intend to roll the scheme out at our other sites later this year. 

Why are you only offering this for a time limited period? 

The offer we have introduced at Hampton Court Palace is a pilot, but we do fully intend to introduce this permanently later in the year, once we have tested our systems. 

Will you be providing a discount on the food / drink sold in your café too? 

We will not be providing a discount in the café, however we will be ensuring there is indoor and outdoor provision for visitors who would like to bring picnics. 

Where will the picnic areas be? 

A member of staff will be able to confirm this on the day of the visit. 


Hampton Court Palace is piloting a new low-cost entry scheme for people receiving Universal Credit and other means-tested benefits.

Eligible visitors are invited to explore the home of King Henry VIII and his wives,
surrounded by 60 acres of gardens, including the world-famous maze and children’s playgarden, the Magic Garden, for just £1.
The pilot will run from 14 June – 9 July.
To find out more, visit: https://www.hrp.org.uk/hampton-court-palace/visit/tickets-and-prices/one-pound-tickets/?utm_medium=partnership&utm_source=community_partners&utm_campaign=one_pound_entry&utm_term=achieving_for_children

13:02, 14 Jun 2023 by Jo Maye