Have you been affected by Carer's Allowance overpayments?

Carers UK would like to speak to anyone who has been affected by overpayments.

A man sitting at a desk with lots of people on a virtual meeting on the screen in front of him.

An independent review is currently being undertaken to establish:

  • how overpayments of Carer’s Allowance linked to earnings have occurred
  • what can best be done to support those who have accrued them
  • how to reduce the risk of these problems occurring in future

About the review

The Terms of Reference for the independent review on Carer’s Allowance overpayments is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/independent-review-of-carers-allowance-overpayments-terms-of-reference. It is currently in evidence gathering stage until late March and is due to report to Government in early Summer 2025.

Carers UK report on Carer’s Allowance overpayments

Carers UK used the evidence collected from over 138 unpaid carers to publish a policy report and recommendations in July 2024 and, alongside a group of carers affected by overpayments, we went to meet with two Government Ministers at the time. Please do have a look at the report for information about their recommendations.

The review is now looking for carers who have been affected to give evidence directly at one of two engagement session.

These will take place on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 5-7pm and Monday 24 March at 11am-1pm. Please contact CA.OverpaymentsReview@dwp.gov.uk for an invitation to either of these.

Written submissions

The independent review team would also welcome any written submissions you would like to provide to CA.OverpaymentsReview@dwp.gov.uk by 24 March 2025.

11:11, 16 Jan 2025 by Jo Maye