Improving Health and wellbeing in Kingston - Share your feedback

Share your thoughts on the new draft Kingston Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2025-2028.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy - Have your say.

In 2023, Kingston’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) reviewed health at all ages in Kingston.

The draft Kingston Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2025-28 sets out the priorities proposed for action across the Kingston Partnership Board using data from the Kingston Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

The new draft strategy does not cover all aspects of health and wellbeing in Kingston, but a small number of priority areas for the Board to take joint action on. These priorities have been set out in three life stages:
Start Well - birth to 19 years
Live Well - working age adults, 20 to 64 years
Age Well - older adults, 65 years and over

Share your thoughts
You can share your feedback on the draft Kingston Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2025-28 by completing the survey on the Kingston Let’s Talk website.

If you are involved in local groups and forums that would like to share their thoughts, please ask them to get involved too.

If you have any questions or if you need the documents in an alternative format, please get in touch by emailing OR calling the council’s contact centre on 020 8547 5000 and ask for a member of the Public Health team to call you back.

11:16, 20 Feb 2025 by Jo Maye