Dear Parents/Carers and Professionals
The next round of My Afk parent/carer and professionals seminars have been announced. On Wed July 3rd 2019 we start with an Education Health and Care Plan seminar.
- Who is entitled to an EHCP, how do you obtain one for your child or young person?
- What rights do you have to appeal decisions?
- What content should be in an EHCP?
- What evidence do you need?
- What is an ‘outcome’ and how should it be described?
- How do you ensure the voices of pupils and students are evidenced?
- Discover innovative ways to use EHCPs in transition.
- How do you ensure a child or young person has support in mainstream schools if there is no EHCP?
Come and hear the answers to these questions and many more from lawyer Erin Smart of leading law firm Irwin Mitchell and other expert education professionals.
Taking place in Central London on 3rd July 2019 from 10am to 2.30pm (registration from 9.30am), only £19 for parents and carers and £49 for professionals including lunch.
Download full leaflet hereor book using these links:
Wed 3rd July 2019
A) Getting the best Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) including college and further education.
You can also book on our seminars covering all aspects of Transition to Adult Life:
Tues 12th Nov 2019
B) Transition to Adult Life 1: The Care Act and entitlement to personalized support in adult life, including Continuing Health Care assessments.
Wed 4th Mar 2020
C) Transition to Adult Life 2: Mental Capacity, Welfare, and Financial deputyship and employment options for young adults
Tues 16th June 2020
D) Transition to Adult Life 3: Housing, benefits, financial planning for adult life
Any queries please email Alex Johnson at
Many thanks
Alex Johnson
The Advocacy and Support Partnership